# API documentation of Akf-forum Akf-forum has got an API for other clients etc. You can find examples in `/tests` folder. ## Authorization You need this headers for send request to API: ```json { "username": "testUser", "password": "testPassword" } ``` ## How to request? ### Request type: `GET /api/action` ### "action" types: - GET `messages/:id` - GET `users/:id` - GET `threads/:id` - POST `messages` ### Example request: ```GET /api/message/1``` #### Example API Output: ```json { "status": 200, "result": { "content": "First message", "time": 1647178873587, "deleted": false, "edited": false, "react": {}, "id": 1, "author": { "name": "ForumcuCocuk", "avatar": "/images/guest.png", "time": 1647177723873, "admin": true, "id": 1 }, "thread": { "author": { "name": "Akif9748", "avatar": "/images/guest.png", "time": 1647177705200, "admin": true, "id": 0 }, "title": "First Thread", "messages": [0, 1], "time": 1647178870047, "deleted": false, "id": 0 } } } ```