const { Router } = require("express"); const app = Router(); const { ThreadModel, MessageModel, CategoryModel } = require("../models") app.get("/", async (req, res) => { const page = Number( || 0; const query = req.user?.admin ? {} : { deleted: false }; let threads = await ThreadModel.find(query).limit(10).skip(page * 10); threads = await Promise.all( => thread.get_author())); return res.reply("threads", { threads, page, title: "Threads", desp: threads.length + " thread listed", pages: Math.ceil(await ThreadModel.count(query) / 10) }); }); app.get("/create/", async (req, res) => res.reply("create_thread", { categories: await CategoryModel.find() })); app.get("/:id/", async (req, res) => { const { user, params: { id } } = req const page = Number( || 0); const thread = await ThreadModel.get(id) if (thread && (user?.admin || !thread.deleted)) { thread.count = await thread.messageCount(user?.admin); thread.pages = Math.ceil(thread.count / 10); thread.views++; const query = { threadID: id }; if (!user || !user.admin) query.deleted = false; const messages = await Promise.all(await MessageModel.find(query).sort({ time: 1 }).limit(10).skip(page * 10) .then(messages => => message.get_author()))); res.reply("thread", { page, thread, messages, scroll: req.query.scroll || messages[0]?.id });; } else res.error(404, `We don't have any thread with id ${id}.`); }); module.exports = app;