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<%= new Date(message.time).toLocaleDateString() %>
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<%= new Date(message.time).toLocaleTimeString() %>
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<i class='bx bx-trash bx-sm' id="deleted" style="color: var(--important);"></i>
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<div id="dislike"><%=message.react.dislike.length %></div>
<% }; %>
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const content = message.querySelector(".content");
content.innerHTML = converter.makeHtml(content.rawText = content.innerHTML);
function dots(id) {
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<% if (user){ %>
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import request from "../../js/request.js";
document.getElementById("send").addEventListener("submit", async e => {
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const res = await request("/api/messages", "POST", {
threadID: "<%= thread.id %>",
content: data.get("content")
let tp = Number("<%= thread.pages %>")
let tm = Number("<%= thread.count %>")
if (tp * 10 === tm) tp++;
if (res) location.href = `/threads/<%= thread.id %>?page=${tp-1}`;
<% }%>
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<a class="number <%= i==page?'active':'' %>" href="<%= thread.getLink() %>?page=<%= i %>"><%= i+1 %></a>
<% } %>
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